Urricelqui Ranch Kelpies events calendar for 2014
Jan. - Feb.
The 73rd annual Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale, Red Bluff, California January 29 - February 1. Come and visit Roger and friends at the WCDA booth at the Trade Show!
Mar. - Ap.
Western Cattle Dog Association first competition of the 2014 season at Ceres, California. Roger with "Striker" and "Billy" are competing in the Open class March 22 - 23.
May - June
Roger and his dogs are staying close to the Ranch, training dogs, processing their cattle, and enjoying the bounties of life!
Roger and his dogs are staying close to the Ranch, training dogs, processing their cattle, and enjoying the bounties of life!
Web design:
Jumakola of the West
Diane C. Myers
Copyright 2013. All rights reserved.
Jumakola of the West
Diane C. Myers
Copyright 2013. All rights reserved.